Sunday, September 11, 2011

What is Green Chemistry?

What is green chemistry exactly? It’s actually unlike the chemistry everyone is used to thinking about. It’s not only about the table of elements so to speak. It’s about how we use these elements to create alternative energy. This is a newer type of chemistry used in a way that not only reduces the negative effects on the environment, but also in a way that limits or completely eliminates waste.

In recent years, we have tended to watch what we do to lessen the chances of increasing damage to our atmosphere because it has added up over the years. This means our environment (mostly the atmosphere), has become weaker and to keep it from proceeding, the ways in which everything works each day must be adjusted. This is exactly why green chemistry has come around.

Not only does green chemistry concentrate on limiting damage to the planet, but it also saves a lot of money to the consumers in the market. For instance, CFL (Compact Fluorescent Lights) bulbs have grown to be popular in the market for saving money on electricity, which in turn also saves money on energy. Another type of bulb has also become popular, powered with LED (light emitting diode). This type of light, depending on brands, cannot only last 20+ years but saves $300+ in energy costs per bulb. Choosing either of these over a regular light bulb has many more positives in the long run. 

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